
学院委员会 Calendar

The 学院委员会 meets the second Tuesday of each month.

To participate via teleconference, dial either 8070 (if on campus) or dial 484-365-8070 (if off campus).

学院委员会 Proposal Summary Form

学院委员会 Committee Annual Report Form








学院委员会 Proposal Summaries



学院委员会 Motions/Recommendation 2021

学院委员会 Standing Committee Annual Report Responses

学院委员会 Members

关于 学院委员会

Lincoln University participates in shared governance among its stakeholders through its 学院委员会. 成立于2017年, the 学院委员会 is an eleven (11) member representative body, nine (9) of whom are elected by the faculty from each academic college of the university. The 学院委员会 supports faculty governance and believes that shared governance is essential to creating a productive academic environment for both faculty and students as well as protecting faculty members’ academic freedom in their independent scholarly pursuits. 

The 学院委员会 is the facilitating agency for addressing matters that span multiple colleges and acts as one of the official voices of the faculty. The 学院委员会 also advises and consults with student, 工作人员, and administrative groups on matters of general concern which include, but are not limited to, 预算, institutional planning, and student academic progress, conduct in the classroom and retention. Per Article IV of the 教师 By-laws, the 学院委员会 serves the needs of the faculty: 

  1. by receiving all proposals pertaining to Article 2.01 (“The 教师 shall prescribe, subject to the University Charter and approval of the Board of Trustees, requirements for graduate and undergraduate admissions, graduate and undergraduate courses of instruction, graduate and undergraduate conditions of graduation, 授予的学位, and rules and methods of conducting the educational work of the University”), vote on said proposals, and prepare them in the form of brief legislative summaries for ratification by the 教师.
  2. by receiving all action items from standing committees and other faculty groups, and bring them to the 教师 for ratification. The 教师 may ratify, rescind, or send back items brought forward by the 学院委员会.  Appeals may be made directly to the 教师.
  3. with the assistance of the Executive Committee of the 学院委员会, preparing the agenda and schedule for action items brought before the 教师. The 学院委员会 may call additional 教师 Meetings as needed.
  4. by ensuring that minutes, 议程, and supporting documents are posted in a timely manner on the 学院门户网站 or other approved web location. This includes both the proceedings of the 学院委员会 and the proceedings of the 教师.
  5. by delegating tasks to 教师 Standing committees, and call for and review reports of faculty committees, chairs of academic departments, 学术院长.
  6. 的通知, 建议, and consulting with the President, or other designated officers of the administration as specified in 2.02 (The 教师 shall be informed by the President, or other designated officers of the administration, of important developments affecting the University, including proposed capital expenditures and annual budgets).
  7. by reporting to the 教师 all action and discussion items in minutes of Council’s meetings.